Our goal is to

Build .


We are a summer tutorial service designed for rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade scholars who need help to retain and apply previous skills for a smooth transition and prepare them for the upcoming school year; build their confidence and help them to master reading and math. Scholars learn how to think critically about math problems to be able to understand and solve them as well as learn strategies in reading to increase comprehension and writing skills. 

Small group size

Limited to 12 students per grade level  

Students will spend 90 minutes per subject matter in smaller groups of no more than 6 students.           

Small Group Tutoring provides a small interactive setting for students to be comfortable to engage in conversations about course material with other students.


Challenging but fun educational environment for all students.

We provide a HIGH-QUALITY EDUCATIONAL Environment.  We are committed to creating an atmosphere that helps each student to reach his or her fullest potential.


Our program is the best possible complement to your child’s education.

When students learn how to approach math concepts and understand their relationships and develop reading comprehension skills, they can more effectively overcome academic challenges on their own.


only 40 percent of fourth-graders nationwide scored at a proficient level in a nationwide math assessment


Studies show that 27 percent of children decrease their school-year gains in math over the summer

Summer Learning Loss is a real issue.
It is widely understood that on average students lose academic ground during the summer, a phenomenon frequently referred to as “summer learning loss” or “summer slide.”
Learn More.

OUr Schedule

June 21 - July 14, 2022
8:00 am- 11:30 am


Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

Relationship Between Multiplication & Division

Patterns in Addition and Multiplication

Representing and Comparing Fractions


Daily Grammar Review

Reading Comprehension Skills include: Text Evidence, Main Idea and Key Details, Context Clues, Point of View, Text Structure, Using the RACE strategy, Summarizing


Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers

Place Value and  Rounding

Fraction Equivalents & Operations

Fractions/ Decimals


Daily Grammar Review

Reading Comprehension Skills include: Text Evidence, Main Idea and Key Details, Context Clues, Point of View, Text Structure, Using the RACE strategy, Summarizing


Order of Operations

Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers

Operations (+,-) Decimals

Geometry and Volume


Daily Grammar Review

Reading Comprehension Skills include: Text Evidence, Main Idea and Key Details, Context Clues, Point of View, Text Structure, Using the RACE strategy, Summarizing

Enrich your child's life today.


512 N. Hightower Street Thomaston, GA 30286

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